What looks like a lighthearted comedy winds up giving strong messages in "Casi Divas," a 2008 film.
The story concerns a "Scarlett O'Hara" type nationwide search for a telenovela character for a feature film. She's played on TV by a temperamental diva Eva (Patricia Llaca) who is furious she's not doing the movie, but the film will harken back to the character's more ingenue and virginal days...Eva's been playing the role for a while now.
Out of a massive campaign - based on a true story of a similar casting call where 100,000 Mexican women turned up - four become finalists.
One, a blond, Ximena (Ana Layeska) comes from a wealthy family, will do anything for the role; Francisca (Maya Zapata) is from Oaxaca, and she is discriminated against because she is Indian; Catalania (Diana Garcia) is from Juarez, where young women disappear and are turned out as prostitutes. Finally, Yesinia (Daniela Schmidt) plays a woman with a secret.
After all the auditions and Miss America type questions, Eva's attempts at seducing the creator of the show, Ximena jumping Alejandro (Julio Bracho) in his vehicle, the film turns quite serious. Each of these young women finds out who they are and what they want through the process. It's quite moving.
I can't dissect this film the way true Mexicans have - these women are supposedly all stereotypes, the town of Juarez is misrepresented as a vast wasteland, etc., but the film does show up some of Mexico's problems under the guise of comedy.
One problem I had was that, to me, Yesinia was completely wrong for the role, yet she is in the finals. Her role is important, but perhaps it could have been cast better so she fit in. Nevertheless, the cast does a fine job.