There's nothing worth watching or recommending here. The lead characters are atrocious and unlikeable. Both of them. The soundtrack is awful, against scenes making zero sense. Add some ridiculous dialogie with very bland, flat acting. The level of stupidity in the first 15 minutes should turn any discerning viewer away. When I saw the cast singing along to the opening music, which was the typical indie annoying pretentious drivel, I know I was in for a slog with this disaster. It's a plot done to death, but never as poorly as this one. Movies need coherence and logic, and there's none here. There's the obligatory black cast member too, of course. Rambling conversation to fill up scenes. Trust me, it's sloppy filth. I get that young people sing, but they don't sing folk music or the other lame tracks chosen for this movie. Considering what these dolts are about to do, they sure draw attention to themselves. Oh, it also dabbles ineffectively with social issues. Huge stinkeroo. I'd rather set myself on fire than endure this mess again.