CCK vs X-Tra Talented was a solid opener that was spotty but did have clear face/heel dynamics and some nice nearfalls (***1/4 to ***1/2). Dunne/Mambo and the following tag were pretty dull matches; I hate how aimless Gibson is right now. Davis vs Lynch was fucking tremendous; some really wild brawling combined with a superb story and a truly emotional post-match, I've liked the Riots as a team but this match was just on another level (****1/2). Dunne vs Sexsmith was a match carried by the crowd heat; it was just both of them doing their basic stuff, although the crowd was into it (***). Storm vs LeRae had some neat individual spots and again the crowd loved it, but like most Toni Storm matches it didn't feel cohesive or engaging; the triple piledriver finish was neat though (***). Havoc & Haskins vs BSS was a very nice brawling tag until the finish; BSS heel wins have a tendency to kill a match despite being effective at getting heat (***1/4 to ***1/2). Banks vs Keith was a truly awesome first-time matchup between two top indie talents of 2017; Keith working Banks over was just great stuff, chucking him around and ending him with strikes while staying calm and cocky; Trav's comebacks were tremendous and the finishing stretch had some great spots with a 1-Count that actually worked well, but then they HAD to have a Dunne interference finish again; still awesome overall (****1/4). The ending segment was SO good in how it used CCK as a proxy to make the Cooper/Dahlia return that much bigger; good LORD what a pop and a visual with CCK letting SSPT have their moment. 8/10 show, but that return bumps the rating."