Knowing how bad lebanese tv can be, I think this show does pretty well in terms of directing, engaging script, and attention to details. the suspense keeps you going all the way to the last episode but it's barely enough to leave a good impression. Because the premise of the show makes every episode more or less independent of the one before it, it is important to know when to stop, and I think the producers didnt. It went on for 5 or 6 episodes too long, tried to touch on every social issue under the sun, and lost its personality along the way. Is it a comedy? A crime? A drama? A romance? It tries to be all but unfortunately is none. In terms of acting, Adel Karam is stellar in some scenes and mediocre in others, but paired with the disaster of an attempt of an actor that is Amal Bouchoucha, he carries the show well but singlehandedly. Had the show starred an actress who is capable of (1) acting better than an 8 year old in a school production of Sayf 840, (2) speak good Lebanese (3) be in a shot without requiring full makeup and tight clothes, I would have given it an 8/10.