Interesting to see the not-positive reviews, because I think this movie is AMAZING. Perhaps some of it was over people's heads.
The format is new - think Blair Witch/YouTube? Which makes perfect sense, because this is about a YouTuber and a YouTube crew.
People seem to think this is a documentary, but it's not- until the parts with the women in the middle, which I found INCREDIBLY impactful. Can't believe what some humans have had to go through.
This movie was extremely creative, the pace is edge-of-your seat excellent, and it leaves you thinking.
Are these characters heroes? No. I don't think they're trying to be. They are "doing it for the wrong reasons" and I think that's kind of the point?
The ending is intense- I won't spoil it, but it's justified by the hardest stuff you'll ever have watch.
Is this an indie film? Yes. It's refreshing to have something diffferent than ANOTHER marvel.
Bravo to the creators! Would love to see more like this.