Desperately shy Graham believes he is destined to always be alone. Caught in a time loop, he sees a vision of his future evolving along with the city he lives in. Finally Graham knows what he must do.
Not familiar in the slightest but they knocked it out of the park.
As I've said countless times, the struggle to create a beginning a middle and an end in a short film is very real and because of many filmmakers inability to do so many fall short. Travelooper is a Dust short which thus far I've found rather inconsistent in quality, Travelooper however is the best of the bunch by a decent margin.
Standing at around just 5 minutes in length it's a miniature time loop film which oozes charm, overwhelmingly whimsical and I'd fallen in love with it by the time the credits rolled.
It's everything modern romantic films fail to be, no standard meet.....fall in love.....fall out.....overcome whatever caused them to fall happily ever after format! This keeps it plain, simple and instead assaults your senses with charm which categorically won me over.
A wondrous little short.
At the end I was left wondering whether their teddy conversation was something relating to child like innocence or that they were truly a match for each other as they were furries. Anyone else? Anyone? No, just my perverted self then.
The Good
- Cast do an incredible job
- Flawlessly constructed
- Heartfelt & sweet
- Solid concept
The Bad