I watched the first three seasons of "The Guild" and I haven't laughed so hard in years. My wife doesn't get it; My friends do't get it, but I do, and that's all that counts. Although I am an older dude (in my 40's and I am an X-Box gamer) and I don't do any on-line role playing, I was heavily into Dungeons and Dragons as a teen, so I can totally appreciate and relate to all of the characters' personality types. I can especially relate to Vork as "the Dungeon Master" type, taking his little world way too seriously to the point of being oblivious to life's nuances. Bladezz - I knew a kid who looked and sounded just like him, in the 80's, ...Didn't we all? Clara, the mom who neglects her family in favor of the Guild (hey, that's me!). Tink, the ultimate opportunist....And Codex....ahhh....Codex, trying to keep it all together. Felicia Day is absolutely a comic genius...I wonder if she realizes this yet. Anyway, watch The Guild, you'll laugh yourself silly.