Juniper is a film about the unlikely bond between a troubled teenager and his estranged grandmother, set in rural New Zealand in the 1990s. The film is driven by the superb performance of Charlotte Rampling as Ruth, a former war photographer who has become an alcoholic recluse with a sharp tongue and a dark past. George Ferrier plays Sam, her grandson who is sent to live with her after being suspended from school for self-harm. The two clash at first, but gradually find solace and healing in each other's company.
The film is not without flaws. The plot relies on some contrived devices and coincidences, and some of the supporting characters are underdeveloped. The tone shifts between comedy and tragedy, sometimes awkwardly. However, the film also has moments of beauty and poignancy, especially when it explores Ruth's backstory and Sam's inner turmoil. The cinematography captures the stunning landscapes of New Zealand, creating a contrast between nature and human suffering.
Juniper is both a coming-of-age film and an end-of-the-line film. It shows how life can be cruel and unpredictable, but also worth living. It may not be a masterpiece, but it is worth watching for Rampling's captivating presence.