It keeps getting better . Episode 1 was , lets say unremarkable . An introduction , but with most of the cards hidden . But episode 2 gets things going . Opens up possibilities , starts giving us a background for the characters . And there is a transformation in progress , a group of misfits starts to become a team .
I do like the psychological aspect of it . And I will give this series a chance , will not judge it from 1 or 2 episodes . There are series that started of slowly and matured into greatness . "The event" is one example , even though they never got back most of the viewers they lost due to a slow start , in my opinion its their loss , as the series turned into one of the best .
I think this is a series that will surprise me more with episodes to come , and I will keep watching it . Characters are quirky , damaged and interesting , and the concept of alphas gives the series a huge white-board to sketch anything they want on it .
I for one am looking forward for more .