Wow, just wow. I had no expectations about Watcher, but it turned out to be really good.
Like seriously, everything worked so well up until the ending, which felt somewhat disappointing and didn't make much sense. It wasn't the worst thing they could've done though, so thanks for that.
Actual care was put into the film and it shows. All the elements they have are nothing new, really, but these blend quite well. The unfamiliar environment, the language barrier, the fear, and the feeling of being misunderstood and left alone by the careless close ones. Great acting, great atmosphere, great music. Just overall a solid thriller that tried to step away from cliches as much as possible.
I can agree that the pacing was relatively slow, but it only helped absorb the atmosphere of what was happening.
A split 7.5/10 could've been an 8.5/10 if not for the ending that felt a little too much, although I get the message.
I am looking forward to new movies from the director.