This cartoon tells the story of a demon girl named Satina who is the daughter of Lucia, the Queen of Hell and her dad, a normal human named Dave. Even though there have been many shorts, there has really only been one episode that could be considered of average episode length. Still, they are referred to as episodes. The first is easily the best, because it's the longest. What's interesting is that we still don't even know much of Dave and Lucia's relationship. Are they married?
Are they divorced? We're not even sure which of them Satina lives them. She's shown living with either at times! Satina's the best character. It's mostly because of how utterly adorable she is! That can be hard to do with a demon girl.
Her voice is probably what sells it the best. Some people have compared this to "Hazbin Hotel" or "Helluva Boss". I guess demon characters are big recently. It's nowhere near as popular as them, but still wonderful in its own right. Dave seems like a pretty down to earth guy. Then again, as the Queen of Hell, Lucia's technically even more down, as she's IN the Earth. ****