Badly written, terribly animated, unimaginative, and so irritatingly dull that despite its short length it feels like nearly a whole hour has gone by once its finished. The people behind this series clearly happened to know the right people to get this greenlit and hot in development, because I am sorry but I cannot imagine a reality where somebody worked that hard to create this kind of concept and spent weeks preparing to create an effective pitch to an executive.
How sad is it if you're an outsider who spends years studying animation, screenwriting, the art of the deal, and public speaking and finally makes it into Los Angeles, gets to know the entire landscape, spends months to years connecting with people, and when the opportunity presents itself and you pour your heart out...You get a near emotionless "interesting, we'll get back to you on that" (And they never do). Meanwhile, lazy people who just happen to be 'in the club' and party till dawn with producers and network executives don't have to say more than twenty words to get a show greenlit. I'll tell you how sad it is...It is very sad, but also very pathetic.
Please people, do not support this program. It promotes laziness and just illustrates how desperate the SyFy channel is at trying to be 'hip'.