It's easy for kids to overlook the bad parts of Sid the Science Kid and appreciate it. And I can certainly see why!
The setup is the same every single episode but with a few small variations, and this is a show that does that in a good way. A lot of modern cartoons that have the same setup every single episode but with a few small variations do that in a bad way.
I love how when Sid knows that he has to do something that he's not a fan of or is in a situation that he doesn't really like that much, instead of complaining too much about it, he helps himself feel better by asking a science question about said situation and investigating it at school with his friends and his great teacher.
The show has great humor, and I love the style of Sid's "big idea" segment and the live action segments. And about the songs? Some of them sound like rap songs, others country songs.
The only real negatives to this show is that as good as the writing of each episode is, the animation and voice acting are bad, and the characters besides Sid don't have that much of a personality.
Overall? A show that looks and sounds bad on the outside but is enjoyable on the inside. Really proves that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a cartoon by its animation.