What a fantastic TV series! My wife and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The characters are four fashionable women with interesting jobs and various not-so-great relationships. Sound familiar? Sex & the City with black people? No. Even better. Because, woven into every episode is advice for women on financial matters, even to the point of a short text highlight that states the educational point of that episode. Sounds heavy-handed, I know, but it isn't. The series is set in Lagos, Nigeria and there are often portals into understanding the city itself, as well as following the young women's lives.
We have so many younger friends (male and female) who manage their own money so poorly and yet don't seem to clue in to the mess they are making for themselves. This series has the answers, and they are couched in an entertaining TV series about beautiful women in stylish clothes navigating through their 20s and 30s. A masterpiece! Let's all watch it, okay?