First off, it's true that this show is more or less a knock off of Sasha Baron Cohen's routine, playing characters in real situations with real people. It shouldn't be held against the show that 'it's been done before', because in fairness, it's a schtick that can only be pulled off by any one person for so long before the non-anonymity of the characters makes it impossible; so seeing La La Land as a continuation of a genre, rather than a rip-off, is the show worth watching? I'd say yes. It's got a much darker humor than SBC's routine, and this show actually presents something quite different than Ali G. or Borat or Bruno did--- rather than 'shocking people', Wooten instead shows more nuanced reaction slowly rising up to full unease. And unlike some of SBC's routines, where the ignorance or stupidity of the American public is exposed, we see the good side of a lot of people, and it's actually quite nice to see Wooten's characters confronted (rather than simply bamboozled) by his 'victims'.
The show seems quite short; it's best to watch a bunch of episodes at once (it takes an episode or two for me to ease into the humor of it). This isn't the greatest comedy in the world, but it's pretty funny if you like your humor dark and quite varied, from subtle uneasy to brashly overstated.