I'll be honest, when I found out about this cartoon a while ago I was really interested in the premise and the characters. I love kangaroos, as well as looking like one of those 90's cartoons about a team of animal heroes (TMNT style) which is a genre I adore, but... This show was pure disappointment. I'll give my positive points, because I really loved the design of the Kangoo and their personalities, they are all likeable, but the problem starts with the other characters (the humans and the villains) and also the bad animation. In the animation part it is REALLY cheap, even by the standards of a 90's cartoon, it has a lot of scenes with animation repeating during the episodes, especially in the basketball matches, which also ironically should be the most interesting and important part of the show , but it turns out to be the most boring for the episodes being just fillers (the show would run just fine without the need to show them playing basketball). Now as for the characters, I confess apart from the Kangoo, they are all unlikeable and with grotesque designs that look like rejected Animaniacs characters: Sammy looks like a badly-drawn Mario, Tiffany is just one of those Jessica Rabbit-style female characters who exist only to be attractive and kidnapped by the villain. But nothing beats how despicable the show's villains are (and I say this not because they're evil) Mr. D is such a generic, bland, cranky villain and is constantly punching a monkey as a pathetic form of humor, but his two henchmen (the bald and dumb clones) are by far the MOST UNBEATABLE thing I hate about this show. Vipera proves to be a slightly better villain than Mr. D, but she is also an uninteresting character.
If only there was a reboot of this show that improved the art style (for humans, the Kangoos are perfect), the animation, good basketball games, and had better villains and supporting characters for the Kangoos I would love it.