Despite its promising premise, this film fails to deliver a compelling narrative due to its misguided concept, disjointed screenplay, and perplexingly inadequate script. A movie hinges upon the strength of its story and dialogues, and sadly, this one did not rise to the occasion. The actors, despite their potential to deliver powerful performances, were left stranded without a substantive story to defend.
The portrayal of Sushant's life was lamentably superficial. The audience was left yearning for a deep exploration of the factors that contributed to his turmoil and what ultimately led him to his tragic end. Instead, the movie's main narrative thread veered off into an ill-conceived subplot involving actors turning into male gigolos within an apartment complex due to the scarcity of acting opportunities or in pursuit of quick wealth.
Further research revealed an expenditure of 3 crores on the film's production. The disappointing end product leaves one to wonder how such a budget could have been spent on creating a more meaningful cinema. With the same investment, a bold and innovative narrative could have been crafted, featuring a fresh cast of newcomers and fostering a mutually beneficial profit-sharing model.
In conclusion, the movie falls short of its potential, resulting in a squandered opportunity for compelling storytelling. A stronger focus on the narrative could have resulted in a film that truly resonated with audiences and made a meaningful exploration of its subject matter.