If I have to be honest while I still find the dub soundtrack a grave disappointment still with cheesy opening theme and repeated ending songs, I still love the story and the action that Pokemon XY has presented. The animation, the CGI movement in the background for battles and action are all god tier and I also like the story where they make the more serious arc more shonen worthy from just your typical kids show to something a bit more exciting that I'd craving for more Drama with Ash and Pikachu being the forerunner for the anime series sometime after gen 10 anime in the event it flops like Horizons and Journeys have did, that goes double for wanna be a Pokemon Master miniseries.
I also like the Amourshipping between Ash and Serena although I wish despite being a kids anime they show Serena's kiss on screen to show the relationship. Once I work the Pokemon company I might do something like that.
As for the CGI, I do love how the animators blend CGI background movement not only for pokemon battles but also for the Pokemon Perfomances giving animation a lot more life in the means of wanting more exciting battles, more awe inspiring performances and wonderful storytelling craving every ounce of it. Not to mention not only I love Ash's interaction with his pokemon but with the Kalos Gang, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie to the point I would like to see them returning canonically. Not like the disappointing stories Journeys presented.