I really do like this film, and yes it has a bit of an original story. The fact that we don't see background on the main characters was an excellent touch since usually every damned movie out there has that background story that isn't a;ways necessary to consider a film a success. The pigeon thing was also an excellent touch since it was a new idea that hasn't been used before.
Now, here is the downside to the film-- the overplayed slang that became famous in 2012, "Fam". Yes we know it's a abbreviation for the word "Family" and is not the first film to use the slang word of the year to relate to the audience, but in this film it is WAY overused which quickly bordered on annoying. Now, for the rest of my criticism, I am going to rag on the guy who ruined the movie in every scene he was in whether he opened his mouth or not; Jason.
Jason is the self appointed leader of the group and is extremely childish and annoying. Not to mention selfish. Lloyd, whom he considers his best friend, is trying to straighten out his life because he has a child on the way and is putting priorities above Jason. I completely commend his decisions because he doesn't want to be locked up and not able to help raise his child. He stopped doing drugs and drinking heavily and definitely was putting his beloved girlfriend as well as his aforementioned unborn child first. Jason was not having ANY of that.
Jason doesn't like being told no, whether he wants to do something or wants someone else to do something. So what does he do when Lloyd honors his deal with their drug dealer by hooking up the aerial and then deciding to take Jemma home? Jason spikes his "Best Friend's" drink with pills because he didn't want him to leave. Well, I'm sorry Jason but the world doesn't revolve around you, "Fam".
He is also abusive towards Colin which is definitely uncalled for. Jason may be the self appointed leader but he is extremely annoying and gave the film the only unenjoyable moments.
All in all, aside from Jason, this film was original and very well made. I recommend it for anyone who decided to look for something different.