'Control' (not related to the game series of the same name) features Eileen (Sara Mitich), a twenty-something year old woman trapped in a small room and given odd tasks to complete in a short time limit. Each task becomes increasingly more difficult, and failure to complete a task results in her daughter Eve (Evie Loiselle) dying. Through unchained memories of her daughter and husband Roger (George Tchortov), Eileen must find a way out and save her family.
The premise of being unaware of why one is in a room to be tested/tortured is not a new trope, but the twist of psychokinetic powers does add a bit of originality to the film. Cinematography is very well done and plot makes a logical conclusion, but the fault lies in the characters themselves; through the beginning, they are not very convincing, though to her credit, Sara Mitich does pull off a solid performance by the conclusion. Several plot holes and a completely unexpalined antagonist muddle the narrative, but it is an rather interesting piece, given the budget.
Worth a once over.