I had reviewed this after the early release pilot?!? Any ways I watched the whole season last night and it wasn't really what I thought it would be but still decent. I love Claudia O'doherty from Gleeb. Lol. Craig Robinson's really funny and loved Scott MacArthur tho I don't know if I've ever seen him in anything? Stop about the snakes people! They've been hunting and killing them forever in the everglades! If your little doggy or kitty got eaten by one I'm sure you wouldn't be on about it! Any ways the plot line with the brother and the Tony Robbins wanna be ( sorry forgot his name) could have been fleshed out more but they added too many subplots that things got a bit incoherent and not finished. But I liked it. Reminds me of Code 404 and Intelligence ( a bit) and I loved those. Hopefully there will be more because O'Doherty isn't in a lot of things and I really like her and would like to see more if her.