"Si nos dejan" was the best Mexican telenovela of 2021, belonging to the subgenre called realistic telenovela. The story has been brought to the screen several times, each version leaves its mark and "If they leave us" is not the experience. The story revolves around a 50-year-old woman who discovers her husband's infidelity, soon she falls in love with a 35-year-old man, whose relationship is taboo in society. The script portrays the double standards of society, all the characters show their double standards, another issue that this soap opera touches on is machismo, the role of the mother and how it is limited, in addition to police impunity and the non-professional ethics of people who practice justice, journalism or psychology. The performances are remarkable, especially Mayrín Villanueva and Marcus Ornellas as the leading couple, Alexis Ayala gives a formidable performance as a realistic villain. Isabel Burr, Isidora Vives and Henry Zakka also offer outstanding performances, but it is worth highlighting the performance of Monica Dionne, who plays the most realistic role. The production is very good, with first class cinematography and well-done editing. "Si nos dejan" is a modern classic of telenovelas.