I was tempted to drop this one a point for the fogging, but then decided, that as this was, in the main, unnecessary, but included to make the action look more 'real', I can only applaud even more. Where was I ? Ah, yes, reviewing the most extraordinary 'pink' by the prolific and very likable. Yutaka Ikejima. This is a real tour de force with some truly jaw dropping action. The leading lady, who the director quite rightly, commends both for her astonishing performance, as she works her way, sexually, through a whole extended family, and for her very large breasts. This is sexy, with an enormous amount of sexual activity, funny, with some hilarious moments, and knowingly reflective of Japanese life and its outside influences. Apparently shot very cheaply and very quickly, this is, nevertheless, a very accomplished work, even getting away with some dialogue spoken to camera.