I remember loving Louis Armstrong's voice from a very young age when I lived in the outskirts of my hometown in Brazil.
We were very poor, but there were two things that used to be mandatory in our house: a TV set and a sound system (3x1 we used to call it, as there were a record and tape player, and the radio in it).
I used to love to listen to a certain radio station that only played nice music, both Brazilian and international. Louis Amstrong's included.
I had no idea by the age of 9, 10 years old what Louis was singing about, but the melodies were so beautiful (I also didn't know then that he was famous for playing the trumpet) and the songs sounded so thrilling.
Today, I watched on Apple TV this great documentary about his life and legacy. It made me cry, both for his life story and for reminding me that it is not about where we are born at or who we are surrounded by, it's about the choices we make.
One of the choices I had made when I was 12 years old was that was going to learn English. I didn't know when, I didn't know how (my mom couldn't afford it). Eventually, I managed to do it and that changed my life forever.
By the way, I recommend this fabulous documentary!