Unfortunately, this film appears to have been a high school or college project. I usually rate horror movies especially independent horror movies higher than the average IMDb user. But this movie is troubling, especially because the director does not even list their name. Wise move on his or her part. Some of the acting isn't bad, some of it is over the top. The makeup is terrible! Reminds me of doing face masks with flour paste. Want to see? You can even see the hairline of Bloody Mary above the scare mask. The star who actually doesn't do a bad job acting, is given a pillow to make her look pregnant. Which shows during the yoga scene several times. I do not know how I struggled through this movie. And usually, I can draw I love for the characters and the direction because they have a love for the film. In this case I see neither. Good part is I see that they have a sequel coming out. LOL.