As a gay man and a lover of horror, this movie was... unsuccessful. On multiple fronts. It was almost insulting the low amount of effort put into the story and how uninspired it was.
Let's start at the beginning of the rainbow with the obvious fact that this is exploiting the LGBTQIA+ community in the most *gay eye roll* exhausted, heteronormative-perspective type of way. The nonbinary one, the sassy AA one, the jock, the popular girl, the masc girl... just riddled with tired tropes and clichés. I mean, really, there was a dang musical number and a bad one at that. I'm not even offended, it's just like, try harder lol
Moving onto the next color, the acting. We don't need to harp on this, but it was bad. All around. Not even my man Kevin could save this one (who I love and the only person who did a good job). A smorgasbord of stilted and overacted performances.
As far as the plot goes, this is where we get to the heart of minimal effort and uninspired clichés. This was not scary, it was not thrilling, it was barely engaging and it was most certainly predictable.
I am never overwhelmingly negative with my reviews but I am struggling to retrieve any redeeming qualities with this one. If you are going to perpetuate stereotypes, at least entertain me while doing so. I don't think I have to reiterate this, but I would not recommend this one.
(Also my first review got deleted cause it got too many likes, sorry your movie is bad?)