An alright drama with a few lighthearted moments. I never found the overall plot arc of the series that interesting, it all just felt a bit improbable and the main characters did odd things that even in hindsight I don't really think make sense (particularly Leigh Henry, who is in charge of the wing).
I enjoyed some of the side-plots more though, and liked some of the characters. It's quite balanced with the characters, not making the 'not very PC one' and the 'inappropriate sexual comments one' pure evil, but making them feel relatively 'real'.
I do kind of wish that the show hadn't had a big overarching 'threat', and had just done shorter stories exploring prison life for all involved, as some of the lighthearted moments are very fun, and the writing isn't bad overall.
The show does go out of its way to portray most prisoners as sympathetic characters, many of them with mental health issues, and most of the serious character discussions about the topic and the implied intent of the show writers is very pro trusting, supporting, and loving prisoners, and rails against the idea of punishing them, and sometimes even of having a prison system at all . Whether you find that grating or agreeable will depend on your personal opinions and experiences I suppose.
Overall wouldn't say I recommend this show, but wouldn't tell anyone not to watch it either. It's OK.