The movie does a good job of balancing brutal action, funny moments, and some subtle social commentary to create one of the best action comedies of the past few years.
There's less action than one might expect from the trailer and other reviews but the action that we do get is very good. The climax fight in particular is S level stuff and makes the movie really must-see. The leads have excellent chemistry together. They keep the movie very entertaining during the periods without gun fights.
The social commentary is very light. If you aren't familiar with life in Japan in 2021, you won't notice it and you'll still be able to enjoy the film. If you are familiar with life in Japan in 2021, you'll have a deeper understanding of the struggle of young people entering the workforce in a declining country. And that Maid Cafes aren't just a quirky weird Japanese trend but actually kind of horrible places to work and a means of survival. There's a brief conversation behind the scenes at the Maid Cafe that does an excellent job of briefly bringing these themes to the forefront before the movie moves on to bigger things.
Overall, this is a must watch movie for action fans, comedy fans, and fans of foreign films. It gets a lot of things right.