I review this movie so late because, I really didn't like it when I watched it for the first time.The second time I saw it,I felt that this movie has to be reviewed here.Its true that there were huge expectations and the movie was a bit disappointment.I feel the same even now.But there are more good things to talk about than the cons.
My first acknowledgment to the story writer(Selva).This is really a unique movie, so original in its script and content.I have never seen a fictional Indian movie so original and so thoroughly researched,as it deals with ancient Tamil culture.I couldn't believe that such an idea has splashed up for Tamil movie makers.The way he takes us to ancient Tamil culture and links it up fictionally to present culture is really breath taking.I bet that the story as a whole is just so fresh and new to Tamil or even Indian cinema.Kudos to you Selva.
My second acknowledgment to the director(Selva).Except for the graphics,the way the director has extracted work from all the departments is breath-taking(since this genre is so new to Tamil).Music,art,action,photography,editing,actors everything fits in well with the script and kudos to the crew for such an effort.
Now comes the screenplay(Also Selva!!!).I feel that this is where the movie is a big let down.The first half was really terrific and was in going with correct pace.The second part acted as the spoiler.There were tooooo many things to be shown and explained,so the director had to just rush with the script,which made the viewer baffled of what was happening around.
Having penned such a wonderful script, the movie could have been divided into two or more parts.Say, the first part can deal with the adventurous trip to the ancient Chola Kingdom.The second part could show what happens there, all the twists and turns and the third part could show what happens at the end.
This is where I feel that Tamil movies are a notch well behind the films from other parts of the world.Taking risk and being bold enough to split the movie into parts.So that everything could be explained in detail and in the manner the director wanted,especially in such scripts.
Having said this, I still feel that if the movie is watched once again,it will surely be loved.