This is a high level documentary about things you knew about Dahmer. Enthusiasts will quickly note the lack of relevant details: Dahmer acting out his mother's seizures, hamming it up in class to get attention, his offerings of meat to neighbors who still aren't quite sure what they got, etc. And then for some reason this documentary has a B-story of other random other killers who may or may not have eaten people. So every few bullet points in the Dahmer timeline, you'll be treated to an even higher level quick run through of different crimes and will have learned next to nothing about them before the documentary gives you whiplash by loosely relating them to Dahmer. Throughout the witness interviews, you also get to listen to podcasters recount some facts about Dahmer but they aren't allowed to be entertaining. Their talents in making the macabre somewhat palatable is directed and edited away so you don't even get a little levity while hearing about murders. Don't watch this to learn anything. Watch it cuz Henry says, "That's when the cannibalism started."