D and I watched this terrific film yesterday afternoon and we both shared similar thoughts about its quality. This film, about a young woman sent with her administrative uncle to "clean up" the operation of a very remote lighthouse is truly an iconic Australian film. I am reasonably familiar with the world's cinema and can therefore (modestly) make judgments about the types of film produced by various countries and South Solitary is a movie that is Australian through and through. Our movies are gutsy, perhaps rough, slice-of-life movies. The big budget Hollywood types (like Australia) are exceptions to this rule and do not easily sit well with the norm or at least the norm as I see it. Films like Japanese Story, Jindabyne, Oyster Farmer, Beautiful Kate and Last Ride are just a few of the many introspective movies that our film industry produces and that Diane and I anticipate eagerly and now we can add South Solitary to this list of, dare I say, brilliant movies. I know of no other country that produces films of this nature; films that are strangely uplifting in their context. The film's ending, with no Hollywood tears, is perfect. See this film and do not judge it by the standards for which we have been smothered by a foreign culture. South Solitary is rich with feelings that all of us can recognize and I would unconditionally recommend it.