Sneak Previews (1980)
Women in Danger
Of all the episodes that Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert did throughout their various television programs, this one here is perhaps the most controversial. This episode takes a look at the growing popularity of "Women in Danger" pictures, which are known to most peopel as slashers. The critics discuss and really trash movies like I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, THE BOOGEYMAN, PROM NIGHT, FRIDAY THE 13TH, DON'T GO INTO THE HOUSE and various others while praising John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN. If you're a fan of horror movies then I'm sure you've come across the hatred that Siskel and Ebert had for these slashers but I think it should also be pointed out that every other critic hated them as well. If you weren't a horror fan then you really didn't get these movies so I can understand the bashing.
With that said, I really thought both critics were a bit too melodramatic here and especially their thoughts on why these films were popular. They claimed that these films were enjoyed by men who enjoyed seeing women being murdered. That the women in these films were being murdered to keep them in their place. Really? They both failed to mention that these films always had a woman surviving and eventually killing the murderer. They also failed to mention that men were killed in these movies as well. Look, I love everything Siskel and Ebert did and I grew up watching their show and continue to watch old episodes. But there's just no question that they were way off base with some of their comments. Their opinion of the movies is their own opinion and they have a right to it. With that said, I think their comments on why these films were popular were really off the mark.