If you liked Josh Raskins animated short film I Met the Walrus (2007)based on an interview that was made in 1969 by 14 year old Jerry Levitan with John Lennon, you will probably enjoy this one as well.
The film (or animated short film documentary) is based on interviews made by a woman who claims to have lived with German terrorist Norbert Kröcher (member of the Red Army Faction) in the 1970's Sweden.
She tells her story with a voice-over, but the visuals are different types of animations styles, actors etc. It's like various types of collages coming to life to tell this story of love, terrorism and politics in 70's.
Critics to this film would claim that it is a very one dimensional version given because she tells her story without any other person being able to respond to some of her claims.
But the films main purpose seems to be, to tell the audience how it was to live among political radicals in 70's.
And as such it's an astonishing piece of work and I wish more could see this short film.