One of the best movies in recent Malayalam cinema (which is not saying much), Nayakan is a blacker than black revenge drama with exceptional production values. The ensemble cast are all top-notch with Indrajit standing out as the 'Nayakan' with a brilliant performance. One of the best movies in recent Malayalam cinema (which is not saying much), Nayakan is a blacker than black revenge drama with exceptional production values. The ensemble cast are all top-notch with Indrajit standing out as the 'Nayakan' with a brilliant performance. One of the best movies in recent Malayalam cinema (which is not saying much), Nayakan is a blacker than black revenge drama with exceptional production values. The ensemble cast are all top-notch with Indrajit standing out as the 'Nayakan' with a brilliant performanceOne of the best movies in recent Malayalam cinema (which is not saying much), Nayakan is a blacker than black revenge drama with exceptional production values. The ensemble cast are all top-notch with Indrajit standing out as the 'Nayakan' with a brilliant performanceOne of the best movies in recent Malayalam cinema (which is not saying much), Nayakan is a blacker than black revenge drama with exceptional production values. The ensemble cast are all top-notch with Indrajit standing out as the 'Nayakan' with a brilliant performance.