So, I started watching this last summer since I was bored and there was nothing else to watch. I barely remember the first episodes in details but they were fine. I usually watch it when I eat lunch since I like watching something while eating. lol
It's an OK show and I like the dancing and I think that the intro is well-done (weird to say). However, it's not like the older Disney shows. I remember watching Hannah Montana or Wizards of Waverly Place. They were cheesy and silly too and not the most meaningful thing to watch but there were some life lessons in them and there was some magic in them, they were waking some feelings in me and I couldn't wait to watch the next episode or if more episodes were already out, I watched like 3 or 4 at once. They were just fun shows which had something to grab your attention.
But Shake It Up couldn't do the same. I don't mind the bad acting since I don't expect brilliant acting in such shows. The dancing is cool and the dance scenes are well-done. I had stopped watching it for a while since I couldn't really find the episodes and it just didn't made me like it like it was with the old Disney shows. There are kids who like it, of course. But I found it kinda dumb like most people here. I'm fine with the repeatable topic for kids trying to succeed in show business since many children would love to and there's nothing bad in it. But it doesn't really show children dealing with the everyday problems like school, parents and doesn't really teach you anything at the end. Also, they dress like adults at times. Many teens do this nowadays though. And the characters are like my age. I do dress more like a woman sometimes but just on holidays or something. Maybe it's just that kids today are different than us. Even in real life kids are more stuck up and sassy than people my age and a bit older used to be as children so shows change too.