Superman/Shazam! L The Return Of Black Adam is the fourth short in a collection of DC Showcase films, short adventures usually packaged with the direct-to-video DC animated films. Released as part of a four film collection which also contains three DC Showcase shorts previously on past releases, this short tells the story of Black Adam's return to Earth after being banished, and soon, he goes on the hunt down Billy Baston, an orphan in Fawcett City whom the wizard who banished him is choosing to inherit his power. However, Superman is there, as he is interviewing Billy on his situation in his guise as Clark Kent, and protects the youth, but struggles due to the new villain using magic, one of his two weaknesses, but soon gets help from Billy, who gains the power of the wizard Shazam and saying his name, can transform into an adult with the powers of the god that goes by the name of Captain Marvel (as this was before he was renamed to avoid legal problems with Marvel Comics, who got the rights to use the name for one of their superheroes).
For a short, it's pretty neat. Basically the same length as an episode of Superman: The Animated Series (under 25 minutes), the film wastes no time getting to the action as. George Newbern voices Clark Kent/Superman, a role he has performed in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited,and Jerro O'Connell voices Captain Marvel (with Zach Callison voicing Billy Baston). This short is notable for being James Garner's final performance before his death, as he voices the wizard Shazam. This is a good short that is exciting, and worth checking out.