First off, since this is a Marina Dora film, i was expecting a gorefest, since i know of this man's work. I have seen Melancholy Der Engel and Cannibal. Cannibal was kind of watchable, and Melancholy Der Engel was just a 2-hour shocker, that's only good at that. This movie is mind-bending tame when thinking of the director Marian Dora. Melancholy Der Engel is a top-class film compared to this thing.
The main problem with this movie is the fact that 50 percent of this movie is water scenes. You could of cut this movie in half, and we'd have a better movie. But no, no for whatever reason we decided to have this movie dragged to 1 hour when it could of been like 20-30 minutes honestly.
This is another one of these torture films, except this one is the tamest i have ever seen. What torture? They do nothing during the whole film, and then in the ending they let her "free" just to kill her. There's no gore, or shock or anything of value in this movie, except the ending. The last 10 minutes is the only part of this whole movie that's "disturbing", but even that hits late because you had me beg for this movie to end.
What plot We got a douchebag couple buying a prostitute, and then killing and torturing her in the middle of nowhere. There's a movie that actually kinda has the same idea a murder fest on a boat, and that movie is Triangle, and that thing is 100 times better than this thing ever will be. Why? Because we got characters you can care for, and people actually put an effort into a good story. Here you do not care about anyone. I did not care about the prostitute or the douchebag couple.
I would repeat the Vomit Gore films and the August Underground films than ever watch this thing ever again. When i saw that the director of this was Marian Dora, i was hoping for it to be in the same boat as Cannibal, but no.
Want good Torture films? Go watch Martyrs, Hostel, Guinea Pig (Part One), The Butcher, Grotesque, and Her Name Was Torment.