This documentary is very well made, very interesting and fascinating in the way new and obviously correct facts are being brought up upon the chosen topic of the documentary. Though it is well explained, it leaves minor holes in the overall picture, but all in all, it all seems very clear after watching this film and after looking further into the subject. This is appearantly one big masterpiece in the creation/evolution debate. It really paints a clear picture of our world and people's experiences and some people's ignorant minds which work against such ideas which the film brings up.
Those people wants to hold on to the tradition of ignoring the obvious, the truth which have been in front of our eyes for so long, and they will never even think about changing their view, not even if undeniable evidence, such as those that this film brings up, will be shown. The documentary has it's few holes, but all in all it really puts the puzzle together very, very well. I'm proud to see these brave people creating this outstanding documentary which will change many people's minds and let us actually see the obvious truth for ourselves. It will truly help us understand our modern world. This is truly one of the best documentaries available. If you really take the time and effort, you really can create something as great as this.