We watch a lot of movies - and I exaggerate not here. I would comfortably say we average two to three new films per day. Yay for the internet! So, understandably, we get our fair share of bad movies.
The best thing I can say about this film is that I didn't shut it off midway. Perhaps I was curious at what point it would get worse, or maybe I was holding out for some glimmer of authenticity. Sadly, it only got worse as it progressed.
The special effects were pathetic. With all the tech available for free download, this could have been way better. Plausibility? Of course, with any "disaster" genre flick, you have to suspend reality at some point so as not to throw the plot vehicle off the road - but this went beyond suspension - it was more like some horrible whacked out nightmare complete with somewhat incoherent sequences and sudden strange happenings that make no sense at all. Nothing is ever explained, probably because most things can't be since they are just impossible.
You can see all the base elements of the story ripped right from "The Day After Tomorrow", but the fun stops there.
So - I won't pick on specific scenes or elements (ha ha) so as not to spoil the film (errr... yeah.), but lets just leave it at... I didn't shut it off.
If you want a good disaster film, I would definitely look elsewhere, because this disaster is not the "Giant Glacier", its the whole movie itself. So bad its not even funny. *sigh*