Overall excellent show, great acting and directing.
The secret police members are depicted a little too primitive. Most of them, who managed informants were much more sophisticated, did not need physical force to threaten their subjects. They found something to blackmail you just like in the movies. Very often multiple people were recruited to report about each cell and that way they had a quick sense if some did not report everything.
For me the biggest flaw is the naming of the school the students attending. In Hungarian they call it " Gazdasági Egyetem".
Nobody, I mean nobody called that school gazdasági egyetem. Its name was Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem and everyone referred to it using its shortened name "Közgáz". This is quite a big flaw, for someone who was a university student in Budapest in the mid 80s this makes the show somewhat unauthentic. They could have used this in the original language version and for the foreign subtitles the " school of economy" would have worked.
But I can hardly wait the next episode, very well written and all the props are truly authentic! Great job!