The sudden departure of Demi Lovato from Sonny With A Chance left the rest of the show's cast member somewhat up in the air. I mean as clean teen idols, the Magic Kingdom already has Selena Gomez and Brigit Mendler so they're believers in being prepared.
But instead of cannibalizing the rest of the cast to different projects Disney Studio decided to keep the group together and the show within the show that was in Sonny With A Chance now became So Random. While the other show was on we did see some nice sketch comedy, now we see nothing but on So Random with some occasional musical interludes.
The interesting thing is how Sterling Knight's character Chad Dylan Cooper who had previously disdained the Randoms in favor of his teen soap opera Mackenzie Falls is now part of this show with no explanation. Just whatever happened to his precious Falls?
The sketch comedy is G-rated Saturday Night Live material and pretty funny. I hope this one stays around for a while and the beauty is it can have revolving regulars, cast members can come and go, but the show goes on.
I hope it does.