For what it was... not a badly done movie. It suffers not from style/story/effects, but rather the way it was filmed. It is filmed entirely from the point of view of a camera held by the characters in the movie. A big problem with these types of movies is that you end up having characters talking into the camera to replace the dialogue to further the story. This ALWAYS ends up feeling like they're breaking the fourth wall and it takes you out of the situation. This style really needs to be done minimally in my eyes.
I didn't really feel for any of the characters since they are all either horrible or irritating as people go. This diminishes the effectiveness of the ending a bit for me.
If you're looking for a low budget movie to watch its definitely better than a lot, but nothing all that unique here. I felt the murder scenes were all done quite well and looked pretty good. For the most part the acting was adequate also.