I am very happy that Polish domestic cinematography has finally started to cram the manual on "How to make films?" and they clearly reached the chapters "Shots", "Cropping", "Special Effects, especially ones looking not like a rubber dragon". Unfortunately, they didn't have time to review Chapter 7 "The Cutting and Editing" before they released the film for distribution. Or the entire budget was spent on shoots, set design and CGI, and there wasn't enough for the editor and it was put together by Joe, the director's brother-in-law. It is also possible that more material was shot and that it will be turned into a TV series, but what was to be included in the film was chosen haphazardly.
Aesthetically, the film is beautiful, individual scenes are interestingly done, the children's acting is good, but the main problem is the strange inconsistency of the plot and editing. It's really hard to describe.
The film is definitely good to watch ... in an altered stated of mind. These orgies of colors... om nom nom. ;)
Tomasz Kot carries the role well, and so does the main character (minus a few moments of the so-called "high cringe value"). The boss of the bad guys is awesome (Danuta Stenka).
But even at the stage of introducing Fronczewski (who played Professor Kleks in previous installment) there are inconsistencies, sometimes it is hinted at us that the title "Professor Kleks" is something like "Dr. Who" or "high school principal", and at other times it is suggested that Fronczewski was "someone else".
Our group at the cinema was trying hard to figure out the strange jumps in the plot and we quite often looked at each other with a bit of "wtf?" in our eyes.
I would love to see some sort of "director's cut" with the movie flow streamlined.
But the kids liked it.
There will be a sequel.