My Life as Inukai-san's Dog is the type of anime that the ecchi industry needs with urgency.
Recently It has been unfortunate that only because anime is genre ecchi, the creators need to put more effort into developing the story (ex., Immoral Guild or Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World).
My Life as Inukai-san's Dog will introduce you to a well-developed story. The story starts with an exciting mystery, and each chapter will take you by the hand the solve the mystery.
I want to highlight my last statement: "Each chapter will take you by the hand the solve the mystery." It is incredible how you, as a spectator, will understand and resolve the puzzle of what occurs to our protagonist in each chapter.
Because an anime has fan service, many jerks lose their ability to follow a good story and only can focus on the boobs. The kind of people who didn't understand the story is the ones that understate this great anime.
Now, talking about the fan service, I want to highlight the good scenes here. Due to the original story, you will find ecchi scenes you have yet to see in other anime. An extraordinary, but overall, original erotism that the fans of the ecchi genre have been asking for during the last seasons.
If you enjoy ecchi or good short stories, you won't regret watching My Life as Inukai-san's Dog. Don't let the jerks that, due to fanservice, can't concentrate on understanding a story discourage you from enjoying this excellent anime.
Finally, please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that the story of this anime deserves an Oscar. However, it is an anime with a well-developed narrative you will enjoy.