A film that deals with a tradition that should be cursed and its victims. So much so that I was confused about who to be angry at and who to be sad about.
Especially that bloody sheet nonsense and the stress the man is put under just to be able to do this show is actually the main subject of the movie. The marriage of a child and an old man is a demonstration of an irrational custom.
The way Ilyas Salman tells the story of Shahmaran is legendary. Also, the "clown" tirade in the last scenes is magnificent. This man's performance in the films he has played outside of comedy has always been at the top.
The little girl's fear, shyness and constantly making up things to escape are again very good.
I think this is the second film that I have watched in Turkish Cinema that takes place in a single location. Ilyas Salman, the director and the script make the film watchable without getting bored and with curiosity.