So I did not know about the manga I just saw this had pretty good reviews and got into it.
Graphics/CGI are definitely on the lacking side but I mean nowhere near cartoon/anime level so I'm ok with it however it is rough to watch if you are picky about that.
Got pulled in with the interesting story of an alien 'parasyte' invasion which take over the host and then a small and odd war happening. Characters were good with a decently explained backstory which was spread well throughout the series instead of in huge amounts (i.e. I don't like to see a whole episode be a backstory).
Story continuity 9/10
Acting 8.5/10
Special Effects 6/10
# of episodes 6/10
Fulfillment 7/10
Overall I was interested in finding out what was happening and how they were going to defeat the 'enemy'. The end result was to be expected but the way they got there was quite entertaining and kept things interesting.
No overtelling or under telling of the story was noted. Although season 1 was literally 6 episodes I'd say they could and should have expanded on a few elements more seeing as how they have a whole manga to base from.
Enjoyable and entertaining but too short to be memorable or really fulfilling. The action was good and understandable with a good flow, there is no dawdling on insignificant matters. The ending is a surprise and you might need to read into who is introduced and what significance they have to the universe.
Needs to have more story and something of actual importance or value happen in season 2 to not ruin it. Season 1 was really just introductory imo. Worth checking out for sci fi lovers.