If I could write the word "GARBAGE" over and over I would. Because that is what this is. This is tacky in the highest order and we all thought Underbelly Vanishing Act was awful this is just a cash grab of a legend of the game. He hadn't even been gone for them to announce this.
It's a pity as well because the "archive" footage if you can even call it that is edited in such a way the "bowling" action used by Alex Williams is awful, maybe should've used a stunt actor who actually played cricket professionally. Alex Williams didn't portray Warnie the way we knew him as a larrakin, his acting in certain scenes looks stiff and it's noticeable in some scenes alongside the actors who had been in the industry for years.
I love a lot of the actors in this, but whoever let them do this, I feel sorry for them, not only did they have the weight of the world on their shoulders, but the script writer Matt Ford? Should never write another biopic again.. and Geoff Bennett? Needs to stop directing "drama events" because they are becoming worse and worse.
Again, Channel 9 apologise to everyone who appeared in this and be careful with your next "drama event of the year." make sure its not as tacky as this..