All formula tends to wear off. Director Estrada ran out of fresh ideas and this time he repeats what had worked for him in previous films only to make it clear that his style has become anachronistic.
A failed farce that is incapable of presenting a decent character build. Manichaean characters that remain in unfinished cartoons, cartoonish, mere stereotypes.
It is impossible for the viewer to empathize with this group of unsympathetic and unpleasant characters and with scatological scenes that border on the vulgar.
The only challenge the film presents is for the viewer's bladder. In an exercise in overflowing narcissism, the director makes a 190-minute tape! How if it were an epic of The Lord of the Rings. An excess considering the plot poverty it offers.
Even solvent actors like Alcázar and Cosío, despite each playing several characters, can do little in the face of the mediocrity that the script offers them.