Rise of the zombies is a fun trashy apocalyptic B-movie that is just Horror fun in the tradition of old grindhouse films & it also stars Cult Hero Danny Trejo which is the reason i wanted to see this film anyway!!!
Danny Trejo is underused as always? But for the time he's on screen he's Awesome as always & the best character in this cool zombie flick.
Director Nick Lyon later directed the excellent gritty Action Thriller Bullet where he teams up Danny Trejo again but this time in Bullet he gives Trejo the main lead role & it's a great role for the tough legendary Trejo!!!
This is a straight to dvd/t.v film but it's still got some cool scenes & action packed moments & actually some really cool well done practical gore fx & that gives this it's old school feel.
The gore is splattered everywhere & looks great with Awesome looking zombies for such a cheaply made movie.
Rise of the zombies is a good zombie film & definitely one of the better made ones out of the hundreds released every year it seems.
Some gory bits went too far like stamping on a zombie baby's head that was just gross & disturbing.
My main problem is wasting the ultimate tough guy cult hero Danny Trejo by killing him off so quickly!!!!
If you cast Danny Trejo in a zombie film then you use the hell out of the Awesome tough guy & watch him slash & slice his way through the apocalyptic city with a Machete!!!!
There's nothing spectacular about this little zombie survival Horror but that's absolutely fine as this is just an entertaining fun easy watching B-movie starring the awesome Danny Trejo & lots of flesh ripping zombie carnage.
A very good zombie film that although low-budget, uses everything at it's disposal to make it feel apocalyptic & dangerous with plenty of gory zombie carnage & action scenes.