I wasn't too sure what to think about this show going into it. I found the plot synopsis pretty interesting so I thought I would check it surprised me in two ways. 1) the fan service was much heavier than I expected, not that I mind, but holy hell(no pun intended) I am talking tons of full frontal nudity and sexual imagery, and 2) its actually pretty good. It has an engaging plot, good characters, and comedy that extends beyond prat falls and accidental boob grabs. The story centers around Issei Hyodom, a pervert turned Devil and Rias Gremory, A voluptuous devil who is head of a prestigious family. They are solid characters who are much more than your typical harem anime archetypes. Is it the best anime out there? No, but it is a good watch that I would recommend, even if you aren't a fan of fan service. Though admittedly, If you don't like fan service, I could imagine some not liking it. I would say just try to look past it and enjoy a pretty good show.